Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sibiu: Where I want to stay...

I fell in love with the city Sibiu.
Maybe it was the people, the beauty or the experiences,
but I wish I lived there.

Rylie, Kelsey L., Aimee, Chesea and I start our journey.
Our bags are packed with enough food for an army.

First day, we find our hostel to put our stuff down.
Then we explore the city.
We come across a piata that is just like a pet store.
Now we have a new member to our travels.
Miere Iuperita aka Honey Bunny.

Monday, we were invited to FHE.
On Sunday we fell in love with the branch members.
We spent the night playing a Pokemon board game!

And, of course, everybody loves Honey!

We adopted a little sister too.
Her name is Larysa.
We took her shopping and had a sleepover.
It was hard to say good-bye.

 We then journeyed into the Carpathian mountains.
Up the "zoom zoom" road. 
We were on top of the world!

Our taxi driver, Gabi, was great!
On the way home he said he had a surprise for us.
This led to off-roading through a field in our taxi.
Little did we know we would end up killing a sheep.
Not so pleasant surprise.

Our happy, traveling family.

I will miss this beautiful city!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

World Record!

Remember the best part in Tangled? 
Yeah, the magical floating lanterns best part of Tangled. 
Well, hello to breaking the world record in those magical floating lantern things!

There should be a caution on these things because they aren't all magical moments when 12,700 lanterns are being set off at the same time and the flame part is barely hovering above your hair! Also, try setting them off in an open field because there is a chance they could get caught in trees, telephone lines, etc. and the whole thing will catch on fire. Just a few precautions...

And most importantly, don't forget to make a wish when you let your lantern go.

Overall, fantastic experience and great night! 
Thank you Romania for being awesome and letting me join your world record breaking festivities!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Love, love, love the region of Maramureş!

1.) Hitch-hiking in Europe.
2.) Beautiful countryside.

3.) Hilarious drivers.

4.) Friendly people.

5.) Merry Cemetery.
6.) Having a dance party in the middle of the street with the locals.

7.) Fantastic bed and breakfast owners
8.) Getting a ride on a gypsy cart.

Basically, Maramureş is amazing! If you ever have a chance to go there... live it, love it, the end.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Catching Up

Wow, time flies by so fast here! 

I am not doing so well on keeping up on my blog but I intend to catch up this week! I hope to put some pictures up too! Get excited. So, one blog post every day for the rest of the week. Hopefully I can stick to this. 

I hope all of my 4 followers are prepared for this...

Here's to Romania!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Precious Moments

Here are just a few moments with my little boys that melt my heart:

1.) I was pretending to fall asleep on the bed in the room (because I was getting exhausted with their rowdiness). They thought it was hilarious and hid themselves in the corner so when I "woke" up I wouldn't be able to find them. The best part is that one of my little guys ran up to the bed and gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me good night. Then, the other boy in the room ran up and did the same thing! 
2.) Sometimes we are fortunate to have a little break from playing with the boys and they get to watch Tom şi Jerry. I sat down on the couch and the boys were on the floor. Then one of the boys gets up and asks to sit on my lap. How could I turn him down? 
3.) My boys like to be tickled. After just a week of working with them they know that I am going to tickle them. Sometimes they will just walk up to me with their arms up. Basically saying, "I want to be tickled". They get what they ask for and crumple in laughter on my lap. 

I love all six of the little guys that I get to work with every day! There are so many other precise moments that make all of the hardships worth it. I can't explain how much I have witnessed and learned from these two weeks I have been in Romania! And there is so much more to come...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Romanian Nightlife

What a fun night! We went to the mall in Iasi to go see The Avengers. Well let's just say they have a great mall! Thank you, Romania! We also went to McDonalds for dinner and can I just say it is nice to have some American food. The Avengers was such a good movie especially with Romanian subtitles. The only problem was when I couldn't understand the language they were speaking or the subtitles! My favorite part was the shout out to Romania when shoarma was mentioned! (side note: shoarma is delicious!) And to top the night off we had a hilarious taxi ride home. Our taxi driver spoke a little English and so we were just chatting with him. He said that he thought when he spoke English it sounded like he had a Russian accent (I didn't hear the accent that much). We ended up asking him where he thought we were from. His response, "I have no idea" (shocking huh?). After a couple seconds of silence he chimes in "wait, wait, wait, i know where you're from.....RUSSIA!" It was hilarious and he thought he was hilarious which made it even more funny. Once the laughter died down he said, "But really I think I know where you are from........... RUSSIA!" Again he thought he was the funniest person alive. Thank you taxi driver for having a great sense of humor and topping off such a great night!

Monday, April 30, 2012

My Heart is Full.

The Romanian orphans have filled my heart. 

We were able to go to the orphanage and hospital today.
 It was such a long day but completely worth it.

I can't even explain all of my emotions right now.

My heart is filled with love for these kids.
While my heart is breaking for their circumstances.

I want to take them all home with me.

How am I ever going to leave...